Hold me, Thrill me, Fill me, Spill me...

This week on TWC news my Garden Journeys segment is about hanging baskets. In the segment I use a planting design method known as "Thrill Fill Spill". This reminded my hilarious husband, Eric, of that (arguably) sub-par U2 song "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me". U2 is my favorite band but that song is pretty silly. So anyway, the "thrill" part is a tall, skinny plant with unusual foliage- something with a lot of impact to conrast the other plants. Well, watch the segment this weekend, or later after I post it on my blog, to find out what the spills and fills are. Other tips for hanging baskets:

1. use baskets only in shade or a spot with morning sun and afternoon shade because they dry out really fast.  

2. You can't overdo it. Pack the basket full of plants for immediate impact. If you are using short-lived annuals like the vinca I used you don't have to worry about them getting overgrown because you will only have them for six months tops. 

3. Plant the plants so the top of their root balls are an inch or two above the soil level in the basket. Then after you have all of the plants situated you can backfill with more potting soil. 

4. Use potting soil for sure. Do not use soil from your yard. It will be too heavy and could cause weight problems for the structure holding your basket. 

Finished basket with ponytail palm, vinca, silver ponyfoot and purple heart.  

Finished basket with ponytail palm, vinca, silver ponyfoot and purple heart.  

Now I have this song stuck in my head.
