I recently got certification for my home butterfly garden! I got a nice sign for the garden and the pride in knowing I did a good job providing the butterflies with resources they need. Here are some photos from my butterfly garden lately. Feel out of touch with nature? A small patch of butterfly plants in your yard can cure you. Call me for a consultation to get advice about how to create a butterfly haven: 512-944-3504. Learn more about getting certified at http://www.naba.org.
Lantana 'Dallas Red'. I had three planted but only one grew back after the short severe cold snap we had this winter. Lantana provides nectar as a food source for butterflies, and the shape of the flower makes it easy for them to sit while they drink.
Pink Flamingo Muhly Grass gives butterflies a place to sit and feel protected during bad weather. The cactus fruit provides another food source for butterflies if allowed to fall and rot on the ground. The grey shrub in the background is Mountain Butterfly Bush, it's orange flowers provide another source of nectar.
Texas Sage 'Lynn's Legacy' has purple flowers and greenish silver leaves. It provides food for caterpillars before they grow into butterflies. It thrives in my yard because I have well-drained soil and I do not water it.