Spring is here in Austin! This will be my 20th spring season, last month (Feb 2023) I celebrated 20 years owning my business! I celebrated by asking customers and loved ones to sign a virtual card for me. Their kind messages warmed my heart, and they will sustain me this spring. Some of my industry colleagues refer to this time of year as "100 Days of Hell", when gardeners all over Texas scramble to get plants in the ground during our short spring season. I've done it enough times now to know I always start out bushy-tailed and energized by wildflowers, redbud trees and peach blossoms...AND I know by May 15 I will be needing a massage and a margarita as I mop the sweat from my face. My secret to surviving the spring season each year is to put kindness first, especially kindness to myself. My natural pace is tortoise-like. I have gotten plenty of grief over the years from strangers and loved-ones alike for my chronic mosey. But my wise self insists that hurrying is overrated and I can be kind to myself by embracing my slowness. Spring often forces us to hurry, but I'm stopping to smell the roses, literally, and also the Texas Mountain Laurels.
So I won't try to hard-sell you or tell you that you should hurry to make an appointment with me. But I am always here when you need me!
Peach Blooms make promises of fruit! I hope they keep their promises. Did you know I am a fruit tree expert too? If you are interested in orcharding, book an appointment to learn about our fruity friends.